Thursday, 13 April 2017


Which artifact or artistic object or piece represent the Dadaist movement:
Marcel Duchamp - collage

The Dadaist movement was an artistic and literature movement that originated in Zurich Switzerland in the early 20th century.

It developed as an outbreak of when the first world war broke out, It sprung after them rejecting the world in general.
it was an avant-garde movement that was influenced by other movements of the time, like expressionism, cubism, futurism and constructivism movements
The movement was a joint group of artists and literates who disliked and did not conform to the logic of what was happening at the time, the reasoning behind everything that was going on, and aesthetics of the contemporary capitalist society

As their alternative they followed a way of believing and showing a sense of ideologies that goes against things that make sense and cause chaos.
Their thesis was to base their reasoning on irrationality, they judge other ideologies - their ideology shamed other existing ideologies of the time, their basis of knowledge was expressing nonsense, and anti bourgeoisie protests in their ways.
Which was also very evident in their work.

The Dada artists showed their rage against war and violence in their artworks or arts - they disliked the idea of nationalism and the capitalist society - which they believed were the precursor of the first world war. (Trachtman. P, 2017)

Ground breakers - Dada was the first conceptual art movement not to have aesthetically pleasing to the eye, artworks, to present to the public but the overall meaning was what was more important - due to the fact that they challenged the bourgeois sensibilities and ideals, and opposed the social norms or modern society and the traditional art basis.

RAOUL HAUSMANN (1886-1971)
'ABCD' 1920 (collage)

This is one of the DADA artists form of expression in a from of a poster made by Raoul Hansmann in 1920. This is one example of, what they called 'sound poems' and were presented visually but real and meant to be understood by using audio or by saying what you see.its evident that the DADA movement was a significant precursor of abstract art and sound poetry.
In this form of artwork they denied the traditional way of making and interpreting posters or visual arts as a whole (Trachtman. P, 2017)

Artist Focus:

Marcel Duchamp was a French artist born - July 28, 1887 - died 1968.
He was the first known artist to use a ready made object and called it an artwork of his own. 
he used monikers to dub his work,. He was one of the few artists artists to revolutionize the whole perspective of art in society and the world, he helped develop an insightful way to see and believe art., how is art defined by society and by the artist him or herself - these are the types of things that motivated Duchamp to make his art, and the way he did it.
At the time it was very outlandish and very oblique, but to him he was redefining art as a whole - a primary example of this was 'Fountain', 1917.
Duchamp (a.k.a. R. Mutt), The Fountain, 1917 (photo taken by A. Stieglitz of the original "Fountain")

The art piece was signed and dated: R. Mutt - 1917 - R. Mutt was the moniker he used on this one.
Fountain was undoubtedly one of Duchamp's most significantly relevant and most famous work and is widely seen across the world as an iconic and pivotal art piece to the 20th century

the urinal piece was definitely going to offend a lot of artist and movements of the time, but that was exactly why he did it to, challenge societal and traditional norms (Howarth, S. 2015)

him using a ready made urinal and submitting it in an art gallery was him, challenging the norms, of what is art and why do we call everything in a gallery art, and if so, the urinal by R. Mutt is art too then.
He submitted as R. Mutt because this name was not recognized in the art industry and this would test the  openness of the board that was running the gallery it was submitted at, if it was submitted by Duchamp himself the response would have been different.
The name, Mutt came from 'Mott works' which was a large sanitary equipment company.

Howarth. S, 2015.Duchamp fountain. available at: [accessed on 8 April 2017]

Trachtman. P, 2017. Abrief History of Dada., [Accessed on the 8 April 2017]

Steyn.D.2017. Class notes

Friday, 7 April 2017


Is a German modernistic art movement started in the early 20th century, 

came into being when they got more concerned with expressing their feelings on an occurrence or object than with creating a photo realistic painting 

They used very exaggerated colours, aggressive brush strokes and distortion to paint, to evoke emotion to the viewers and disrupt the mood of people who are receiving the painting. 
They sought to show the meaning of emotional experience on to the viewer rather than the physical and real world.

Their goal was to evokethe subjectivity responses that the artist has to objects and events.
This movement came about from a reaction to society values that continued at the turn of the 20th ceentury, no of them were painting the traditional adademic style of art - they felt that it was time for change.
They became the avant garde movement for all non-traditional artists
Expressionism was a very personal movemnent, that was more spiritually than alot of art movements at the time.

Die Brucke - (The Bridge)
the fountainhead of German expressionism
They drew inspiration from Freidrich Nietzsche - Nylonism - believing your going to die anyway, but you must be your best to trancend into the greater you.

Their work some elements of primitivism - because to the europeans, this was taboo or was regarded as bad. Their view on it was because it was more natural and truthful to themselves than the europeans who want to believe in their perfect lie and discarding the truth.
they exploited the primitive art style to gain attention from the masses.

Der Blaue Reiter (The blue writer)

This was the spirituality of art.
their beliefs were structured around the idea of colour and form carried concrete spiritual values.
They mis-matched colours on objects because the colours carried certain moods to them. soo if an apple was painted blue it would mean the the painter was feeling a certain was cause blue represented a certain spiritual value


Class Notes